

Monday, October 24, 2011

Literary Dilemma

Ever since I started Jr. High, I've noticed that the books I read aren't the norm. I don't read Twilight, and I actually have read Harry Potter, but I started that series back when I was 8 or 9. I read creepy books, or books that have interesting pictures on the cover. You know how people say 'don't judge a book by it's cover'? Well I certainly do. If the writer isn't competant enough to find a cover that isn't absolutely atrocious, he probably isn't going to write well enough to entertain or enlighten me. Also, I go through books like no other. I usually have a different book every day, or, if I find a particularly challenging one, every week. In seventh grade my friends in homeroom would try and catch me reading a book  more than 1-2 days in a row. When I tell this to people, they usually say that I should read more challenging books, and spend more time analyzing their meaning. After hearing this one day in seventh grade, I sought out a book that could hold my attention and offer me a challenge. The book I found was none other than Les Miserables. It took me about a month, (on condition of all that french) but I read the entire thing and got 95% on the star reading test. I liked the book, but I really don't want to read giant books that I have no interest in continuing since they are all from the past and don't usually apply to today. So what do I read? I've tried reading practically anything I can get my hands on, from short, frilly romances to horror and sci-fi. I've found I like odd stories with twists in the ends, and stories in different perspectives. One example is one of my favorite books (I say that about practically every book) Hit List. It's told in the perspective of an assasin, and although I'm not saying that line of work is ideal or right, it was an amazing book that had me rooting for the bad guy the whole time. I love that author and have read countless books by him, but everyone of them leaves me stunned in the end. Lately, due to tons of homework and a job, I've been reading a lot less and find myself stuck on a book: Koko. I found it on a shelf in Mr. T's class and instantly fell in love with the book's cover. Now the picture on the front isn't really spectacular, you know with awesome graphics and all that modern stuff, but it's definetly not the norm. It's kind of a creepy face in vibrant colors, with 'Koko' scrawled in odd, gooey green. I mean, 'Koko'? Who in their right mind would name a book that supposed to be creepy and/or masculine 'Koko'? Anyway, I had to read it. The book is good, with an interesting writing style, but it's just a tad inaproppriate. I love reading it, it's interesting, and I want to know if they find the guy, yet I can't bring myself to read it. Why? maybe because all I've been reading lately is exciting, crazy books that don't let you put it down. Maybe I've become like the modern Micro-Wave users. Have you ever felt that way? "I need exciting things to happen, and I need them now!". You don't want to wait for a good ending, you just want it to happen right then. I hate people like that, yet I'm slowly turning into one. Maybe I need to force myself to read a long monotone book, that is supposedly a classic. Maybe I just need to calm my jets and let things happen as they happen, in natural order. Hopefully I won't conform to the Micro-Wave society, and hopefully books that aren't the 'norm' will continue to entertain me.

Monday, October 10, 2011

2NE1-Hate You

Recently on youTube I've fallen in love with a band. That band is 2NE1, and it's a South Korean band, so it's mostly in Korean, but there's a bit of English in there too. My favorite song so far is Hate You, but that's probably becuase it's the only one I can really sing along to. Below is the video and the rough translation of the song I found online.

[cl] you really suck
i have no reason to see you
this world is filled with guys like you
you s-s-suck
your flaws are countless
to just put up with it and love you
is a waste of time

hate you eh eh eh eh eh
i'm fine living without you
hate you eh eh eh eh eh
i'm fine living without you

[minji] my memories with you
consist only of memories waiting for you
no matter how much i put up with it, and put up with it, it wouldn't end
i-i wanted to hear those words, "i love you"
your unconcerned love
i grew tired of it

[bom] it feels terrible i threw all my pride away
i'm sad, is this all i'm worth?
i'm worried, now, of the four-letter word, love
i'm scared, you're hilarious

[cl] you really suck
i have no reason to see you
this world is filled with guys like you
you s-s-suck
your flaws are countless
to just put up with it and love you
is a waste of time


[dara] h-h-half the words coming out from your mouth are lies
no matter how many times you deceive me and deceive me, it wouldn't end
someday you, too
will meet a girl like you
once you feel the pain, you'll know how i feel

[bom] it feels terrible, there was never such thing as a hero
with a happy ending, was i too naive like a fool?
it turned out for the better since now i figured you out
i'm going to leave, you really suck

[cl] you really suck
i have no reason to see you
this world is filled with guys like you
you s-s-suck
your flaws are countless
to just put up with it and love you
is a waste of time


[minji] i feel relieved,
[cl] i feel so much better
[minji] down to the bone i've erased every last memory of you
[bom] i feel relieved
[dara] i feel so much better
[bom] down to the bone i've erased every last memory of you

[cl] you really suck
i have no reason to see you
this world is filled with guys like you
you s-s-suck
your flaws are countless
to just put up with it and love you
is a waste of time
I know It's an angry song, but this is the kind of thing I like to listen to when I'm mad at the world, especially if I'm partially mad at myself.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Sea of Confusion

       I've been reading lots of blogs lately, but my problem is that I click comment, type in a really long-winded comment on how amazing their writing is, or how I think guns are a really intersting topic, and thats when it all falls apart. I click "submit" and it says to select a profile; that's not complicated in itself, but I click "google account" and it says something like: ERROR Cookie value is null for FormRestoration. What in the world does that mean?!?  I'm really confused and I really want to comment, especially to answer you Andrew, but I can't. Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this? I'd love to know.
      Anyway, I'm kind of freaking out right now. The Banzai-Convention is so close, yet I don't have a cosplay costume to wear! I have a hundred dollar budget, but I need something cute and fast. I tried a sight called Milanoo, but apparently my friend says its a scam. I might just go to the halloween store down the street, but I doubt they have any anime related costumes. I'm sure I'll figure something out, I just hope it's in time.
       Enough of my confusing life. I'm going to blog a random story that I will make up on the spot. I'm going to put a picture of a random scene and write a short story about it that will hopefully be enough words to give me full credit.

I'm not sure why, but this forest I have wandered into seems to perfect to be real. Ah! I know now. It's the smell of rushing water, the cool foliage that seems to be everywhere. It's so exotic I know I am far from home, yet I wish I could make this my home instead. The gentle rush of the bamboo reeds and birds chirping in the air. I see a rush of black and gray, and wonder what animal would have such colors in this asian rainforest. I walk in the direction it went, and see it's slender body perched in a tree. Oh! It's gorgeous. I remember a lesson I had long ago about the Palm Civet, and realise this must be it. The only reason I remember it is that it eats the soft outer flesh of coffee cherries and the seed passes right through it's degestive track. They actually sell these coffee beans for a lot of money, which I find disgusting. It makes an odd sound as it notices me, and quickly dashes away. I try to follow it, but end up more lost than I was in the begginning. I find myself in a larger grove of bamboo, and a bit of orange in the distance. A tiger! I'm so scared my legs begin to freeze up, something that happens only in dreams. The sudden sound of rustling makes me shake off my feer and begin to run. Faster and faster I sprint, my lungs already pounding. I breathe slowly and evenly, yet I don't seem to be getting any oxygen and I'm slowly grinding to a halt. I want to run more, away from what I'm sure is a Bengal tiger, but I just can't. With a finality I find scary, I trip over a large rock I'm sure I would have avoided if I'd been thinking and watching. My leg is bleeding, bleeding, getting blood everywhere. I know from every TV show i've ever seen to staunch the blood, but it keeps coming. My vision goes fuzzy, and I remember the tiger. Somehow I know I won't make it, that I will never see my family, my friends or even my boss again. I shut my eyes, before I catch another glimpse of my own blood, and fade away.