

Monday, January 2, 2012

Holiday Spirit

     Cheese and crackers. Now my brother is threatening to duck tape my mouth, since I'm almost screaming at him and my sister, "STOP POKING ME!". And now Alex is yelling in my ear to change the spelling of duck tape to duct tape. I WILL CHANGE IT LATER! Oi, why can't I ever get two minutes to blog?! It was the same this entire break, including Christmas. Normally I never get angry, but my fuse is really really short this season. Good thing I have multiple Christmas 'toys' to play with and ignore my entire family for a short while. Until Colton yells my name and blames me for clogging the vacuum in a very loud (no, he's not yelling...ugh) voice while trying to simultaneously deflect Dad from giving him more chores and and drag the vaccum upstairs.
     Firstly, Colton and I pooled our Walmart gift-cards and went on a fabulous trip to buy Skyrim the day after Christmas, with millions of kids screaming, "Daddy, I want it!" or, "Why did he get me the red lip gloss when I obviously wanted the Persimmony Pink one?!" Well we finally got it, on New Year's day. Amazing! I absolutely love this video game, even though I've only been as far as I've seen on the tutorial, due to Family Cleaning Day. I'm a Kehjit (hopefully I spelled that right, I'm too lazy to check) and the female version is so much smaller than the male version it's comical. I also got a how to draw manga book, (MangaMania Girl Power!) and a small drawing notebook with, da-ta-da, crayons.
     I also got my cello refinished over the break. I bought my cello at Summerhay's and my parents have almost payed her all off so we took her in to do some minor repairs before the insurance wears off. Summerhay's is in Salt Lake City, so we had my G-ma pick it up and bring her up to our house today, and she told me that the guy who fixed it up, Christian, lectured her for ten minutes about how to care for my cello. She was pretending to be severe as she handed Rosalia to me, but she couldn't help but crack a smile. And yes I named my cello, it's Rosalia because that's who made her.
     I also got lots and lots of candy, including Poky (the yummy strawberry kind) and various other Japanese candies. One of my favorites so far out of all the candy is a chocolate covered 'biscuit' from England. I got a new book series about wizards and a Halloween clock with cats on it. Every hour the clock makes creepy Halloween noises, though at night they seem to be quieter. I got kokeshi and neko erasers, and my sister got sushi erasers. Kokeshi is a small japanese doll, and neko is a cat with it's paw up in the air. So Kawaii.
     Although the holidays have really tested my patience, I had fun.

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