

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I bet that a ton of you are asking yourself why in the world I would name my "goodbye" blog Bonjour. I also bet you didn't know Bonjour is like Aloha: it means both hello and goodbye. This may be the end of Junior High school, but it's also the beginning to the rest of our lives. I'd like to first say thanks to everyone. Everyone in my life has helped me in one way or another, and I'm glad I can call most of them friends.  From my 'gang' to my eight grade buddies, I love you all. Jamie told me the other day that I've become 'popular' even though that is definetly not the case. I am not popular, but I do have many, many good friends. Now I want to do particular shout outs to certain people, but don't feel left out if I don't mention you. It's sort of impossible to mention every person that's helped me this year, so I'll adress the main ones.

First, thanks to all my teachers. You've helped me so much, and I love talking to you all and listening to you rant in class.

Now, there's the students.
Honor's English people, thanks for entertaining me with your random blogs. You guys are amazing even though half of you don't even know I read your blogs. (I be creepin')

  • Moogle Kid, you amaze me sometimes with your wit and memory. (Anime and compliments...good times.) Don't forget that one project on um....ok, your memory's way better. :)
  • Deep Sea Zombie, you've been one of my best friends this year. Thanks for not getting weird when Mirana went on her little, 'you two would look so good together!' rampage.
  • Pretty Pony, thanks for being an amazing cello buddy! It's been fun seeing your (huge!) house and stuffing myself with candy and cheetos. Have fun at Davis, and I'll miss you!
  • Happy Sidekick & Day Dreamer, thank you so much for coming to Layton with me! Do you realise we're the only ones going into that orchestra from Fairfield? Your blogs were really fun to follow as well. It's crazy how alike some of your posts are, yet how different. I especially loved it when you both wrote about one trip, but your voices and perspectives were so different I thought they were completely different trips!
  • Skittles, you are amazing. Thanks for being my dance partner and keeping me sane through Dickson's class, and thank you so much for being my 'complain about the world' buddy. *high five*
My friends who are fortunate enough to not be in Honor's English (just kidding, I love this class):
  • Da Gang. I can't even describe how soothing it is to have a group of friends that just kind of are. You guys have really helped me this year, and I'm sorry if I acted like a jerk. I need to branch out a little, you know? But you guys are still amazing, and I'm glad I'll be seeing you all next year!
  • Eighth Grade Buddies: from screaming my name in the hall, to chatting behind me in Orchestra (you know who you are!) and even running away from fake spiders, you guys were an amazing stress relief. Remember to enjoy your life!
  • Alexis's 'lil group: thanks for letting me merge in, even when I didn't know a lot of you. Micah, thanks for telling me all about your boy trouble, and thanks Solomon for saying stuff like, "that's interesting" and you are so welcome for the potatoes :)
  • Pretty Pony's medely of people: You guys are fun to hang out with, even if only at lunch. Thanks for giving up your seats, (such gentlement :P) and including me in everything.
And I would definitely like to thank Bryce for making my year so much funner. You made me realize that the sadness in life doesn't matter, it's what you do with it that counts.

I'm going to stop before I start sobbing, but thanks again! My ninth grade year was a blast because of all of you.


  1. Thanks Sakura. I love how you titled the group I hang out with. You are amazing!!! Have fun in High School!!! I'm going to miss you so much!

  2. *Hight Five back* Awww, thanks, complaining was so fun with you ;) You kept me sane too, and you are my first and number one lover always! Your blog is great and I am going to miss you over the summer, can't wait to see you next year! <3
