

Monday, August 25, 2014

So it's 2014.
I haven't blogged here since ninth grade- I'm a senior now. Seems fitting, the time lapse here. It's 4 in the morning as I write this, and I know all too well that I should be asleep right now. But I can't sleep. Do much has happened since sophomore year. So many relationships have died out, and do many have been forged. I've lived without so many things I believed to be essential, fought emotional battles that still hurt my heart. I've had ordeals. But I found something out- something amazing- I am strong. I will always miss the days when I was the top of the junior high pool, when I had a familiar, comforting circle of friends. When I was simple and innocent. I always used to wonder why I had the interesting, amazing friends I had, and I always used to ask a particular girl why. She only ever replied with, "I like smart people." I loved that answer, not only because I'm vain. I loved it because it was honest, and because it gave me personal insight. I began to appreciate myself after that. I began to see people differently, and I believe that has helped me these last few years. I'm almost eighteen. Pretty soon, I will be responsible for everything pertaining to 'me'. I'm so excited. But I'm also scared. What if I forget the people I have loved? The people I have touched in some manner, or who have touched me. I don't ever want to forget. So I'm documenting. Starting this blog anew. I will not edit a thing, good or bad. Because this, in part, is my autobiography. My documentary really, as it is incomplete and fragile. Starting now, here is Sakura's ongoing world. :D

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Internet English

While the above graphic is pretty funny, it's not entirely true. Sure there are people online that will berate you for misspelling words, or overall screwing up your grammar, but there is so much that gets away scott free. Have you looked at Facebook recently? Every other post that isn't by your mom's co-worker is misspelled. 'i's and 'u's are all over the place, as well as 'lol', 'yolo' and 'brb'. I'm not saying that you should have to type out everything individually, or spellcheck everything you put online, but you should at least put some effort into it. Why should people look at your statuses or posts and put some thought into them when you obviously haven't?
There's also the fact that it comes out in school as well. I see people treating essays and papers the same way they treat Facebook posts. And that does not bode well for their grades.
Overall, it's just pathetic. Why waste precious time typing up something no one will take seriously? Time isn't all that precious? Then use a little more before you hit 'Enter'.
Now that I'm through with my little rant, I hope you enjoy that random pic I found on a cool little site. It's from*.

*And yes, isn't that the cherry on top?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Creeper! Run!!!!!!

My summer has consisted so far of four things: work at Lagoon, ze new kittens, lots and lots of books, and Minecraft. Since y'all are probably really bored with my talk of Lagoon and my weird animal posts, I've decided to blog about that fun little game: Minecraft.
I'm not a big gamer. I cannot play PS3 for the life of me, unless it's Katamari. But computer games always seemed easier to me, perhaps because I spend a lot more time with a keyboard than a joystick or a controller. Perhaps because I like the screen being really close to my face. Either way, I now play a few PC games and am definitely into My Little Pony. (I'm actually cosplaying as Fluttershy. So excited!)
Minecraft is the main one, man. The big guy of all gamers and weirdos alike. So of course I had to try it.
I've been punching trees and building mines for a while now, so I'm used to all sorts of things on Minecraft. There is one thing I may never, ever get used to, though.
One glance of black and green in my peripheral vision, and I'm screaming like a madman. Endermen are even worse. I mean tall, black, with unnerving white eyes? *shiver*
I just recently got the yogbox, which is like a collection of mods the Yogscast whipped together. (British group that plays Minecraft. [I am a dwarf, and I'm digging a hole. Diggy diggy hole!] look 'em up)
Anyway, today's adventures include me finding a turtle, freaking out a little bit, and capturing him as my pet. I then named him Tutty (creative, I know) and accidentally killed him in a mine-shaft.
*Moment of silence for dear, sweet Tutty*
Then finding a house full of bandits, and sadly getting slaughtered. (I thought they were peaceful villagers! Guess that's what I get for being friendly to the natives)
And crafting some croc boots, out of real croc skin. My inner tree hugger is still yelling at me for that.
All in all, I had a very interesting time in the world of zombies and fire-flowers. Now I'm going to dive back in, and find some weird ax my nearest lumberman of a neighbor desires. Tootaloo!! (Poor, poor Tutty...)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I bet that a ton of you are asking yourself why in the world I would name my "goodbye" blog Bonjour. I also bet you didn't know Bonjour is like Aloha: it means both hello and goodbye. This may be the end of Junior High school, but it's also the beginning to the rest of our lives. I'd like to first say thanks to everyone. Everyone in my life has helped me in one way or another, and I'm glad I can call most of them friends.  From my 'gang' to my eight grade buddies, I love you all. Jamie told me the other day that I've become 'popular' even though that is definetly not the case. I am not popular, but I do have many, many good friends. Now I want to do particular shout outs to certain people, but don't feel left out if I don't mention you. It's sort of impossible to mention every person that's helped me this year, so I'll adress the main ones.

First, thanks to all my teachers. You've helped me so much, and I love talking to you all and listening to you rant in class.

Now, there's the students.
Honor's English people, thanks for entertaining me with your random blogs. You guys are amazing even though half of you don't even know I read your blogs. (I be creepin')

  • Moogle Kid, you amaze me sometimes with your wit and memory. (Anime and compliments...good times.) Don't forget that one project on um....ok, your memory's way better. :)
  • Deep Sea Zombie, you've been one of my best friends this year. Thanks for not getting weird when Mirana went on her little, 'you two would look so good together!' rampage.
  • Pretty Pony, thanks for being an amazing cello buddy! It's been fun seeing your (huge!) house and stuffing myself with candy and cheetos. Have fun at Davis, and I'll miss you!
  • Happy Sidekick & Day Dreamer, thank you so much for coming to Layton with me! Do you realise we're the only ones going into that orchestra from Fairfield? Your blogs were really fun to follow as well. It's crazy how alike some of your posts are, yet how different. I especially loved it when you both wrote about one trip, but your voices and perspectives were so different I thought they were completely different trips!
  • Skittles, you are amazing. Thanks for being my dance partner and keeping me sane through Dickson's class, and thank you so much for being my 'complain about the world' buddy. *high five*
My friends who are fortunate enough to not be in Honor's English (just kidding, I love this class):
  • Da Gang. I can't even describe how soothing it is to have a group of friends that just kind of are. You guys have really helped me this year, and I'm sorry if I acted like a jerk. I need to branch out a little, you know? But you guys are still amazing, and I'm glad I'll be seeing you all next year!
  • Eighth Grade Buddies: from screaming my name in the hall, to chatting behind me in Orchestra (you know who you are!) and even running away from fake spiders, you guys were an amazing stress relief. Remember to enjoy your life!
  • Alexis's 'lil group: thanks for letting me merge in, even when I didn't know a lot of you. Micah, thanks for telling me all about your boy trouble, and thanks Solomon for saying stuff like, "that's interesting" and you are so welcome for the potatoes :)
  • Pretty Pony's medely of people: You guys are fun to hang out with, even if only at lunch. Thanks for giving up your seats, (such gentlement :P) and including me in everything.
And I would definitely like to thank Bryce for making my year so much funner. You made me realize that the sadness in life doesn't matter, it's what you do with it that counts.

I'm going to stop before I start sobbing, but thanks again! My ninth grade year was a blast because of all of you.