

Monday, September 26, 2011


                 Over the summer I've been working at Lagoon. Then I found out that if I wanted to, I could keep working and get payed more if I switched over to the Frightmares! department. And yes, it really is Frightmares!, not Frightmares. So I switched over, and now I'm working up to eight hours, 3 days a week in a haunted house called Deception.
               When they schedule you to work there, they tell you which character you will be working. So far my schedule says that every day I am a Freddy Krueger Victim, but I've gone from Freddy Victim, to Freddy himself, to Old Lady.
               Friday was the only day my schedule got it right. In the room I was working in, there's a giant table saw that has a fake torso that goes over you as you lay on (actually, kind of in) the table, and you push a button by your left hand to start the saw. Of course the blade is rubber, but it's still freaky to watch it come down on you. I loved playing the victim, simply because it's such an easy role. All you have to do is die over and over again, scream, and sing Freddy's scary song. Actually being Freddy Krueger is much harder, as I found out on Saturday.
               Usually in the Freddy room there is two Freddies, but I was the only one, plus I'm female. As multiple guests said, Freddy is not a girl. It was a harder role because I actually have to move around and be creative, as apposed to just screaming. What I found worked the best was jumping out at people and pretending you are about to claw them, while actually hitting a large tube. Effective, but painful. At the end of the night my hand was all bruised up, my legs felt like jelly from standing for eight hours, and my eyes were tearing up from the fog machine. That was my worst day working Frightmares!
               The last day, Sunday, was much better. I was in the Insidious room, and it's set up to look like a family/front room with a TV, a soft couch, and of course creepy paintings all over the wall. The best part was that two of the costumes for that room were a grandfather clock and a red chair. When the people got in them, they looked really realistic, especially in the dusky room I was in. As for me and my sister, we were old ladies. We would sit on the couch (did I mention its a very comfy couch?) and try to look creepy. Our room didn't scare anybody. occasionally people would recognise it, but most people just thought it was dumb.
                All in all it was a fun weekend and I look forward to going back. My favorite part of working in Frightmares! is dressing up. I love to dress up normally, and actually having awesome costumes and makeup just makes my day. Also I love the people. Two of my friends, Aimee and Danny, joined Frightmares! and I see them a lot, but I also made a lot of friends like Kolten and Taylor.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Awesome Quotes

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. –Edgar A. Poe.

Art is anything you can get away with. –Marshal McLuhan

Me only have one ambition, y'know. I only have one thing I really like to see happen. I like to see mankind live together - black, white, Chinese, everyone - that's all. –Bob Marley

Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives. – C. S. Lewis

I have a love interest in every one of my films: a gun. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They're only powerful when you got your back turned. –Eminem

 An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. –Mohandas Ghandi

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all. –Emily Dickinson 


           Hey, It's me again! I just realized that you people probably know nothing about me. Well I'm going to fix that, don't you worry! The following are lists of things that I love and hate.       
           HATES- people who are cruel to animals, and then think it's funny. When people borrow my stuff and give it back in less than PRISTINE condition. :P Waking up in the dark. (it needs to be morning! my brain just gets all confused) Long car rides where I get extremely sick. Annoying computer programs that don't give good directions. (ex. "open the recently viewed file" what the heck is that? more importantly, where is that?!) Conflict. period. Anyone screaming at another person just ticks me off. Going to work and having to be around someone who stinks like garbage.*People being mean to others just because they are younger, or different.

           LOVES- weird music with lots of words in different languages :D. My dogs: Eowynn, Kaden, and Toki Doki. (yes they do have weird names, don't they?) Messing around on the computer. MLP: FIM. video games, like: Minecraft, Call of Duty, Escape Games (in general), and Half Life 2. Listening to my new iPod. Writing stories, mostly fictional. Being outside in the fresh air. I also love playing my cello. Not to brag, but I'm pretty amazing at it. :P Earning money that I can spend on whatever the heck I want.

That's pretty much all I can think of right now, but there's probably lots more. Anyway, I'm an awesome person who loves her life :D Hope you like my blog.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

MLP: FIM How I Became Addicted.

              Now a lot of you are probably looking at my profile picture and thinking, Oh! She probably has a little sister who likes my little ponies. That's not true. I don't have a little sister, but I do have two little brothers who happened to get me into MLP. As you have probably already guessed, MLP: FIM stands for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. It's the new season of My Little Pony, animated by the same woman who did Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and the Power Puff Girls. Let me just say, she is amazing. She turned something that used to be purely for little girls into a cute show that both little girls AND teenage boys enjoy. 
              There are countless sights that host Fanfictions and picture captions, all done by teenagers, on MLP. One of them on a sight I have known and loved for years is called My Little Brony. (Link below)

            It's a memebase, which means that some pictures may appear more than once, and that some of them may be a little disturbing, so I don't recommend clicking on the link if you have high standards.
            I've also added the first episode of MLP to this blog, but be warned that it gets better with time. You might not like it on the first go, but it grows on you.